“Anyone, who Has My Commandments and Keeps Them. . .

that person is the one who loves me. . . and I will love him and reveal myself to him.” And again, “if you continue in My (unabridged) Word then are ye my disciples in deed. And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” Free from sin and the fables of the principalities and supposed powers of the world and apostatized or indifferent churches and their leaders, and the idols of wealth and possessions.

As Jesus went along the street, a rich young man came running in his royal robes of position and costume of power and with great fanfare knelt as a knight of great honor at Jesus feet and in a commanding voice and with pumped chest he riveted the attention of all the street’s travelers and those on the overlooking decks and balconies with the call of the ages. ‘Good Master, What? . . . can I dooo . . . to in – herit ! . . eternal life?’ Every one along that street was riveted still, as the question caught their breath and their minds raced to those times they also had searched for assurance. Christ’s first words rewrote the order of Heaven’s law, and opened the secret motives for this grand display. Pride and admiration were stunned as it quickly drained away. ‘Do not commit adultery’. . . Every heart was shocked and thoughts made still. Sighs could be heard. Heart-aching women who had looked on longingly ‘oh I would have loved to get to know him,’ threw glances – – – acknowledging that pomp, power and pageantry are soon followed by adultery. Selah.

And then, Luke says, the other commandments were covered and how even in young manhood this young ruler knew all that was right and required by Heaven. Christ saw that he studied the scriptures and desired to be right with God, but the value he placed on the pageantry, the fanfare, the adulation and power and the peoples praise and the shared love of him and his money, had made him a slave to this world and it’s ways. Christ told him ‘unless you become like a little child’ without all your trappings, and sell what you have; YOU will never be able to take the cross I have for you or follow me.

The young, talented, powerful and wealthy young ruler went away sorrowful. It didn’t take long, in a flash of realization, even as his voice still echoed farther down the streets and into the imaginations of his whole town, He had decided. ‘I I I . . . can never do that’! ! ! What would people think of me then? Quietly slipping away, he entered an abyss of exclamations, excuses, unrealized promises and final eternal damnation; and left Christ’s heart bleeding from another wound of evil which spurned Heaven’s love and purity.

The Faithful are:

Those who full of faith accept Christ’s Death Justifying them from Sin and much more are Saved by His Life and not only so, but now, Joy in His At-One-Ment,

Those who in the Power of His Victorious Life keep the Ten Commandments of God and Have the Testimony of Jesus.

Those who purpose to follow every word of Present Truth,

Those are looking into the Investigative Judgment in The Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary by faith to Receive the Seal Of God,

Those who are giving witness to The Third Angel’s Message and all Three Angels’ Messages of Rev 14,

Those who follow the Spirit of the Ten Commandments and Keep the Seventh Day Sabbath as Christ did,

Those who are Baptized in the Name of the Father and in the Name of the Son and in the Name of the Holy Spirit the Three Members of the Godhead,

Those who have far more Witness and Words about the Marvelous, Gracious and Power of the God Head giving The Latter Rain, The Seal of God and The Final At-One-Ment, rather than the tragic, important, but fewer words needed about the Name and Mark of the Beast,

Those who do not observe, but rather transgress the Traditions of the Elders that are not taught by the Whole Bible,

Those who “ask for the Old Paths, where the good way is, and walk in it and find rest” for their souls.

BirthRight Bible Evangelistic Association 2022

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